Watch-up guys! Behold the coolest place in Negros Occidental "the Mambukal Resort ". Though you have to travel an hours from Bacolod city to get that place but you may have an enjoyable trip. Since you'll passing by with beautiful mountains, cool and fresh air. The legend said that "Mambukal" is from the root word “bukal” which means "boiling" as hot water. Because from there you may witness some ponds that are really boiling, does prohibited people getting inside the perimeter. The hot water in those ponds can even boil eggs. Ouch! People believe the source of heat is from the exhaust of Kanlaon volcano. Well, there are warm and clean water in some pools that allow people to go swimming. They said the water have sulfur which good for the skin. Moreover, Mambukal have 6 stories water falls which people has enjoyed climbing and taking pictures. Come and visit their website You may also play the movie clip to see our pictures. Thanks

4 Leave Comments:

ian said...

nice place

ian said...

i recommend to visit and stay there for the whole summer.. quite an adventure and seeing the paradise of giant bats?! seems like prehistoric.. lol

Anonymous said...

i've been there a lot,,but im hoping to spend another time with you guys;DORM BOYS ROOM 5...jejeje..kip in touch.

Unknown said...

Wow amazing

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